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New Years 2006



Senior's Farewell

The SafetyDance

**The Bovinian Chronicles**

**Watermelon Man**

Picture of A Random Interval of Time! To Submit Picture of RIOT ......... email booies@aol.com























       What has Kicked At Booies.Com
Frebruary 5, 2005-**Ricky and Chaz**
After almost more than a year since it first went into production, Booies.com presents Ricky and Chaz, an epic tale that takes you behind the Scenes of Imagination and into the minds of two unknowing teenagers. Ricky and Chaz adopts a style primarily based on sound effects, that is originally seen at OldEnglsh.org. Enjoy!

June 31, 2006-**The Highland Way**
I'm pleased to present, the Highland Way, an emotionially stirring music video of the life of William Wallace. The music video uses film from the original motion picture Braveheart, and music from Frank Sinatra's "My Way". I hope you enjoy this rather..."unique" presentation.

I recieved this poem via email and thought I'd pass it on via my website. So here it is, the noble words of a noble soldier, in A Soldiers Christmas Poem
Today, Saturday, December 17th, 2005, is a glorious day. Today is the day Booies.com makes it's first dollar! Makes its first two dollars Actually. This morning a noble booies.com fan bought a Watermelon Man Baseball Jersey. His two dollars will be framed, and placed on the Booies.com Mantle! Let this first purchase spark hundreds more. Store.
It was a dark and rainy night. Four friends, by the light of the moon, found refuge in the Halls of Elkton, College Park. In the hours ahead these four friends would embark on a journey, and in the end one mans dreams realized to a point far exceeding the boundaries of his imagination.The night was home to destruction and chaos and little faith can be placed in the memory of man. Still, the light of the rising sun revealed one surviving artifact of the nights events. A film; a documented memory whose eternal survival will far outlast the men who made it. Peer into our memory… watch Tommy Luginbill: Duck Tape Leg Hair!!!
September 1 , 2005-**My Bags Are Packed**
As semptember came into existance the moment we all knew was coming came. The moment to say goodbye. I felt compelled after such a moment to give a tribute to the feeling. Wrote this poem the morning of August 22nd and it is entitiled "My Bags Are Packed". Let me know what you think. My Bags Are Packed
July 4 , 2005-**Fourth of July**
Happy Fourth of July Everybody! Heres a link to that poem I wrote last year today.... the Fourth of July Poem ... God Bless the USA!
June 15 , 2005-**RM Graduation Video**

             Hey Everybody.. Sorry for the delay in getting this Senior movie uploaded but I left for beach week early and I'm not gona lie, I had an amazing time. Making this movie with Erin Mattos was truly a pleasure and I would like to thank both her and everyone who allowed us to film them. We've graduated from high school and hopefully in 10 years you can watch this movie and remember the golden years of RM. Until reunion, farewell!

          Senior Video
March 18, 2005-** Articles**
Added a new page to the world of Booies.com. The Article Page. As of now the only one is Eric Schoeffler's Averagely Dull Story, but in time more will follow. If you wish to submit a story, email it to booies@aol.com . Enjoy!
March 17, 2005-ST PATRICKS DAY
HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY!!!!! Ladies and Gentleman today we are all allowed to make the magical transformation into Irish Folk. The Irish have a beautiful country, an amazing culture, and are leading leaders (School of Rock) of the most desirable lives. So slap on some green, muster a smile, and laugh as loud as you want....because today my friends... We Are All Irish!
February 14, 2005-Valentines DAY
Happy Valentines Day everybody! Mandi composed this collage and sent it to me yesterday and I found it funny. So in honor of Cupid himself..here it is
January 4 , 2004-** Booies.com Reviews**
A new Booies.com Review page has just gone up. The page consists of various reviews from various Booies.com viewers. If you would like to submit a review please email booie at booies@aol.com. Here it is... Review Page
December 9 , 2004-** Booies.com Newsletter **
From Movie progress to site Updates, the new Booies.com Newsletter has it all! Subscription is simple, just click this button, type in your name and email, and assuming you know how to check your email, news will "flock to you like the samon of capistrano" (Dumb and Dumber). For the lazy, this is a dream come true.
October 27 , 2004-**BC III Delay**
Im sure many of you have noticed that Bovinian Chronicle Episode III is taking a seemingly infinite ammount of time. I'd like to formally apologize for this and reassure you that it is indeed on its way. School is no-doubt to blame. For this reason, I want everyone to post, forum style, a written translation of their thoughts and viewpoints on school. No words are offlimits being that the Booies forum is open mic. So get to it. Furthermore, within the next week some more, non BC III content will appear, So tay tuned for that.
Filming has begun for the long awaited Bovinian Chronicles Episode III. I can't of course tell you much, other then that plot development will be the greater focus. We are using a new camera which will yield higher quality video. BC III will probably be coming within the month although its hard to predict with school starting up. Stay tuned.
Two Months Ago, June 18, I set out with Eric Lee and Steven Levitus to make a music video. However when we returned what we had was not a music video at all. It was, as you all know, the famed Bovinian Chronicles. Today, 60 days later, I have completed my original dream to re-make the Safety Dance music video. The Safety Dance, an old 80's song by The Men Without Hats, although a pearl of Rock (and roll), faded in to nothingness. It has been captured once again on film and The Magic will once again be released into the wild.
It's Here! The long awaited Episode II of the Bovinian Chronicles has at last been released. Once you make your way to the Bovinian Chronicle home page, you'll have your choice of both a small and high quality file. At the moment only a streaming file is available but word on the street is a downloadable file is on its way. Happy Bovining...

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